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An accurate student progress report for Sunset Shimmer might get her expelled, or perhaps institutionalized.

Fortunately, Vice Principal Luna knows how to write...tactfully.

This story might be an entry in the 2024 Dialogue Only Contest.

Cover image source: https://derpibooru.org/images/2806177?q=screencap

Chapters (1)

“Please look after my children.”

Pear Butter’s last words were spoken to the stranger who found their crash: the cruel, otherworldly siren named Adagio Dazzle, who sees in her death a golden opportunity.

What starts as a plan to raise willing minions for sustenance and protection goes… a little differently than Adagio had in mind.

Cover art by Uz Naimat!

Chapters (3)

Princess Celestia has sent an invitation to Twilight Sparkle and friends for a royal Canterlot wedding! While reading off the list of invitees, however, Twilight comes across a certain "Mrs. and Mrs. Dash". Turns out Rainbow Dash and Rarity are a married couple, and have been since before Twilight moved to Ponyville. Twilight never knew this. Hilarity ensues, as well as a few feels.

(AU, where RariDash are, well, married. Some canon events and scenes have been shifted accordingly, to Twilight's increasing confusion.)

25-March-2024: Featured. Thanks for reading!

Chapters (8)

A week after she moves in, a guilty Twilight tells Starlight there are no funds in the bank so she'll have to pay rent... or she's out. What does the newly-reformed unicorn do? Start her own delivery service across time and space itself. As you do.

Why did you even have to ask? And what could possibly go wrong?

I think we all know the answer to that...

Congratulations to ZanyZapper who was the obvious winner when I set up a contest on this blog to see who could come up the best idea for a one shot.

Only problem is, now it's a two-shot. Or a three-shot. Or a...

Look, let's just play it by ear, shall we?

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Twilight Gets a Puppy, Season 6

The Sparkles have just finished a year long prank war with Celestia by order of ... pretty much everyone that currently exists and a few who don't, but this filler season brings more problems. Though the battle for Rahs' heart heats up, the cutiemark crusaders kick it into high gear to get Sweetiebelle her mark, Sunset sets things on fire, Pinkie Pie, there's another God Summit coming, an ancent pain in the ass returns, and some pony gets proposed to, all in this filler season of Twilight Gets a Puppy.

Chapters (4)

This story is a sequel to Spike's Mark

In “Spike’s Mark”, Spike confessed his love to Rarity and gave her a Mark of Love. It was supposed to be a ‘Happy Ending’. However, Rarity’s adventure was just beginning. Starting where Spike’s Mark left off comes the next chapter In Spike and Rarity’s relationship. A tale of romance, drama, and humor. One that will make you both laugh and cry just like its predecessor. It will most certainly have moments that touch your heart...I guarantee.

In this story, you will see most of the Mane 6 return as well as Sassy Saddles, the Cutie Mark Crusaders, and a few other special side characters from the series. You will learn how Rarity’s family reacts to Rarity dating Spike. You will hear the tale of how the Carousel Boutique was first created. You will see special moments where sisters bond together…and playfully team up against a little dragon.

But the big question will be the ultimate choice Rarity must make.

Confronted with the fact that some ponies still fear dragons and the idea of a pony and dragon being together is considered ‘unnatural’, Rarity must choose which path to take. Finding the love she has searched for or fulfilling the dream she always desired. Can such a union truly exist or will Rarity lose her Spikey-Wikey?

Spoiler Alert if you have not read “Spike’s Mark”. Fortunately, you do not need to have to read “Spike’s Mark” to enjoy this story since all the side characters will be learning about the events as well.

Chapters (17)

When she was in middle school, Sunset Shimmer suffered from what is called 'Middle-second syndrome'.
It is a term used to describe young teens who have grandiose delusions, and in some cases, have convinces themselves that they have secret powers.
She used to call herself 'The God Princess of Flames', an immortal being capable of manipulate fire, alienating herself from her classmates.
Finding her past embarrassing, Sunset will try everything to start her high school journey quietly after moving out from her city.
But not everything went as planned when she meets Twilight Sparkle, a girl in her class suffering from the very same syndrome, who calls herself 'The God Princess of Night'.
Sunset will do everything in her power to avoid being around that girl, but she will find it to be a difficult task since this girl literally lives next door.

Art Cover by @IoNaomichi on Twitter.

Chunibyo re-written as Equestria Girls with my own changes and implementations.
This is not a serious story, just writing stuff for the fun of it, don't take it too seriously.

Day one, already featured ahah, thanks guys

Chapters (6)

A new villain, Generic Villain, has kidnapped Luster Dawn's friends. Threatening Princess Twilight with her student's friends, he acquires the throne of Equestria. Though, it is not as simple as it seems...

This story is not meant to be taken seriously, and was written for comedic purposes.

Chapters (1)

After the events of “To Where and Back Again,” Fluttershy starts feeling bad for Queen Chrysalis, who is all alone with no other changelings and no love to satiate her hunger. So the pegasus finds Chrysalis in the Everfree Forest and offers to take care of her in the Sanctuary. Chrysalis reluctantly agrees, and finds that even though she doesn’t feel any love from Fluttershy, she feels fulfilled in other ways. The changeling queen goes through some inexplicable changes as she gets used to her new life, and wonders if it’s possible for her to love somepony else.

Chapters (1)

Trixie Lulamoon is an average teenager, yearning for a simple, ordinary life and a sweet romance with her crush. During what Trixie had hoped would be a typical, unmagical Canterlot High school dance, her life is thrown into turmoil as seemingly unstoppable robots besiege the dance. In a desperate escape, a superhero-clad equine doppelgänger comes to her rescue. Together, they embark on a quest to uncover the origin of the menace, an indomitable and seemingly all-powerful entity known as Proto who seeks to destroy all Trixie everywhere.

Featuring Trixies from the Lunaverse, Skitchverse, Fallout Equestria, Manehattanverse and others! Don't worry if you're unfamiliar with these stories. I've done my best to make them as accessible as possible. And I have a quick bio of each Trixie in the author notes.

This story will have four arcs. The first arc is finished, and I will be posting each chapter once a week each Friday.

Cover art features art by: CloudyGlow, Melisareb, valadrem, Remul-Lemlem and again, N0KKUN, inaactive and again, LimeDazzle, Jeatz-Axl and again, CloudyGlow, background by Yulia Gapeenko.

Chapters (11)